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탑랭커의 작가지망생활백서, The Top Ranker's Aspiring Writer Life Manual, The Top Ranker's Guide to Aspiring Writer Life
Legendary hunter Tae Ihyun, known as the “Thunder Emperor,” decides to leave his overpowered life behind and become a web novel author. However, his stories lack realism, so he goes undercover as an F-rank in the C-rank guild Gahwa Mansaseong to gather material. Initially just research, he soon grows attached to the guild and its struggling hunters. As he experiences their hardships firsthand, he matures both as a person and a writer. Will this former “god” succeed in his new life as an ordinary author?
탑랭커의 작가지망생활백서, The Top Ranker’s Aspiring Writer Life Manual, The Top Ranker’s Guide to Aspiring Writer Life